Union Elementary School, Montpelier, Vermont
These pictures were taken in Mrs. Mello's classroom on December 22. This is Susannah's kindergarten class. We will take some pictures of her class here in Ireland, too. The biggest differences between the 2 schools are that uniforms are worn, and there are seperate boys' and girls' schools (on opposite sides of town, no less). Susannah fit in pretty easily to school here. The two classes were at about the same place academically. The school day here is 1 1/2 hours shorter, but there is homework every night.
Room 9 daily board
Susannah's mom reads an Irish legend to Xavier, Sean, Angus, Curtis, Henry, Matthew, Ruby, Mrs. Philibert, Ella, Zoe, Susannah, (Riley and Jalen are hidden), Mrs. Mello, Jack, Logan, Hunter, Amanda (Alyssa wasn't there that day)
Susannah's dad teaches everyone to say "Go raibh mille maith agat", which means something like "a thousand welcomes" which is a way of saying 'best wishes'.
Room 9
Jack, Jalen
Matthew, Riley
Curtis, Logan
Susannah, Mrs. Mello
Angus, Henry
Xavier, Sean
Zoe, Ella, Ruby
Susannah, Mrs. Mello, Amanda, Angus
Snack time: (clockwise from left) Ella, Susannah, Matthew, Zoe, Riley, Curtis
Snack time: (counter clockwise from left) Zoe, Logan, Hunter, Amanda, Ruby, Jalen, Jack
Snack time: (clockwise from left) Sean, Xavier, Henry, Angus